
Our Advocacy

The Texas Coalition for Healthy Minds focuses on mobilizing interested stakeholders to work with state leaders to improve policies and increase funding for mental health services and access to care in Texas.

In the interim…

800+ Attendees Learn About the Loan Repayment Program for Mental Health Professionals | View the Recording Here
HHSC Legislative Appropriations Request

TCHM developed and provided comments to HHSC regarding behavioral health funding. This is the first time the coalition has formally provided input on behalf of our membership.

House and Senate Interim Charges Recommendations for 89th Legislature

After the fourth called special session, House members submit interim charges recommendations. The Coalition, through its workgroups, developed a series of study requests. We submitted the same requests in the Senate through Senator Johnson.

The 88th Legislature

View our Policy Priorities for the 88th Texas Legislature

Click below to view our policy content including one-pagers, testimony, and more.

Behavioral Health Workforce

Increase Funding and Expand Loan
Repayment Program for Mental Health Professionals

Youth Mental Health

Establish School
Mental Heath
Allotment and Secure Additional Community-Based Support

Institutional Rights & Civil Liberties

Ensure Medication Continuity for Justice-Involved Individuals

State Budget

Invest in
and Expanded

Substance Use Disorders

Adopt Voluntary
Accreditation of
Recovery Housing And
Update Patient
Brokering and
Anti-Kickback Laws

Priority Bills

Testimony & Resources

2/6/2023 – Senate Finance Committee – Increasing the Loan Repayment Program for Mental Health Professionals

2/6/2023 – Senate Finance Committee – Supporting a School Mental Health Allotment

2/21/2023 – Senate Finance Committee – Funding for Children’s Community Mental Health

2/27/2023 – House Appropriations Committee – Medication Continuity

3/20/23 – House Higher Education – HB 15 Mental Health and Brain Institute of Texas

4/5/23 – Letter to Representatives Thompson and King on HB 13 – School Safety Allotment

5/1/23 – Letter of Recommendations to Opioid Abatement Trust Fund Council (OAFC)

5/11/23 – Statement on School Mental Health Allotment