The TCHM originated in 2011 as an informal meeting of colleagues with a primary or otherwise important focus on mental health and/or substance use disorder, coming together every Friday during the legislative session to discuss common issues. The coalition as we know it today was effectively founded in 2015 to continue fostering collaboration and creating meaningful change statewide since one organization cannot fully address all of Texas’ mental health/substance use issues. Through the coordination of resources, education, legislative, and regulatory action, the TCHM has become a platform for our members to align efforts and work. We partner with elected and appointed state leaders to help create sustained improvement and increase funding for mental health and substance abuse services as well as access to care—issues that affect all Texans.
Although the organizations in the coalition have met regularly and have advocated together for more than three legislative sessions, funding from Methodist Healthcare Ministries of South Texas, Inc. has allowed the TCHM to have a more formal presence across the state.